Biodiversity of Deserts and Arid Regions - BIODESERTS
32 Projects
Conserving desert biodiversity through crocodile-based ecotourism in Mauritania
PI: Frederico Santarém
Protecting the Western Chimpanzee and threatened primates from logging and illegal hunting in Guinea-Bissau
PI: Maria Joana Ferreira da Silva
Combining ecological niche-based modelling and landscape genetics for conservation planning of endangered North African gazelles
PI: Teresa Luísa Ferreira da Silva
Conservation Status of Addax nasomaculatus in Mauritania
PI: Cândida Gomes Vale
Conservation Status of Vipera latastei and Vipera monticola in Morocco
PI: Fernando Martínez-Freiría
Protecting the western chimpanzee and primates species from illegal logging and bushmeat hunting in Guinea-Bissau
PI: Maria Joana Ferreira da Silva
Relict or endemic? Frog highlanders and the role of mountains and climatic fluctuations in the diversification of desert anuran
PI: Duarte Gonçalves
DESERTFLOW – Assessing gene flow and contact zone dynamics in desert lizards under climate change scenarios
PI: José Carlos Brito
Diversity patterns in West Africa - the case of specious Gerbillus rodents
PI: Zbyszek Boratynski
Estado de conservación y estructura genética de la víbora hocicuda (Vipera latastei) y la víbora del magreb (Daboia mauritanica) en el Norte de África
PI: Fernando Martínez-Freiría