Invasion Science - InvasionS
9 Projects
ClimateMedia: Understanding climate change phenomena and impacts from digital technology and social media
PI: Ana Sofia Vaz
SINVAQUA - Sistema de apoio ao controlo, monitorização, contenção e erradicação de flora exótica invasora aquática por deteção remota
Advanced Community Project for the eLTER Research Infrastructure (eLTER PLUS) INFRAIA-01-2018-2019 programme of HORIZON 2020
FirESmart: Nature-based solutions for preventive fire management and sustained supply of ecosystem services
PI: Adrián Regos Sanz
Climate Change and Local Adaptation: Challenges of a lizard whose sex is determined by environmental temperature
PI: Catarina Castela dos Santos Rato
Something in the way they move: how global patterns of wildlife trade influence global invasion success
PI: Luís Reino