Zbyszek Boratynski
Assistant Researcher
8 Projects

Behavioral optimization of camouflage in remote Sahara-Sahel rodent communities
PI: Zbyszek Boratynski

ARIADAPT - Climate change and genomics of adaptation to extreme desert conditions
PI: Zbyszek Boratynski

HOTFOXES - Life in the desert: deciphering the genomic architecture of extreme-environment adaptation using North-African foxes
PI: Raquel Godinho

Origin and maintenance of color polymorphisms: An integrative approach combining Genomics, Behavior and a Population study
PI: Catarina Lopes Pinho

De Novo based sequence assembly of next generation sequence data without chimeras: improved annotation, gene expression profiles and haplotype
PI: John Archer

AGRIGEN: CIBIO – Meeting the new societal challenges on agriculture, forest, environment and food security
PI: Nuno Miguel dos Santos Ferrand de Almeida

The role of adaptation in Lesser Egyptian jerboa speciation
PI: Zbyszek Boratynski

Diversity patterns in West Africa - the case of specious Gerbillus rodents
PI: Zbyszek Boratynski