+BIO@CIBIO – Recovering native vegetation after invasion through ecological monitoring
+Bio@CIBIO is a participatory, volunteer-based project to be held in CIBIO-InBIO’s ‘green’ areas (Campus de Vairão) which intends to create a living-laboratory by developing an experimental patch coupled with long-term ecological monitoring. This patch, located nearby CIBIO-InBIO’s ‘north’ parking lot, is nowadays heavily invaded by Acacia spp. along with Eucalyptus globulus and our goal is to recover this area into a climacic forest (Quercus robur woodland). This will be accomplished through an experimental design which entails testing several selective management techniques such as selective cutting, prescribed fire, plantation (among other). We intend to unveil the best and most effective way to recover this area into its natural and native vegetation, while we monitor the natural dynamics and recovery processes of this highly changed ecosystem, heavily threatened by invasive plants. This approach intends to monitor the largest possible number of species groups (from flora to fauna), encompassing all knowledge levels inside CIBIO-InBIO, in way to promote a fruitful interaction between volunteer researchers and students.
To join us and lend a hand to recover the natural vegetation please click here.