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Ângela Lomba

Ângela Lomba

Post-Doc Researcher

10 Projects
LAFERIA - LAndscape FEatures Reintroduction in Intensive Agricultural land
LAFERIA - LAndscape FEatures Reintroduction in Intensive Agricultural land
PI: Ângela Lomba PI: Francisco Moreira
SELINA: Science for evidence-based and sustainable decisions about natural capital
SELINA: Science for evidence-based and sustainable decisions about natural capital
Advanced Community Project for the eLTER Research Infrastructure (eLTER PLUS)  INFRAIA-01-2018-2019 programme of HORIZON 2020
Advanced Community Project for the eLTER Research Infrastructure (eLTER PLUS) INFRAIA-01-2018-2019 programme of HORIZON 2020
FirESmart: Nature-based solutions for preventive fire management and sustained supply of ecosystem services
FirESmart: Nature-based solutions for preventive fire management and sustained supply of ecosystem services
PI: Adrián Regos Sanz
AGRIGEN: CIBIO – Meeting the new societal challenges on agriculture, forest, environment and food security
AGRIGEN: CIBIO – Meeting the new societal challenges on agriculture, forest, environment and food security
PI: Nuno Miguel dos Santos Ferrand de Almeida
FARSYD: FARming Systems as tools to support policies for effective conservation and management of high nature value farmlanDs
FARSYD: FARming Systems as tools to support policies for effective conservation and management of high nature value farmlanDs
PI: Ângela Lomba
INDicator-based modelling tools to predict landscape CHANGE and to improve the application of social-ecological research in adaptive land management (IND_CHANGE)
INDicator-based modelling tools to predict landscape CHANGE and to improve the application of social-ecological research in adaptive land management (IND_CHANGE)
PI: João P. Honrado
BIO_SOS - BIOdiversity Multi-Source Monitoring System: from Space To Species
BIO_SOS - BIOdiversity Multi-Source Monitoring System: from Space To Species
PI: João P. Honrado
EcoSensing: indicators, methods, and protocols for reporting and monitoring the condition of biodiversity and ecosystems in changing rural landscapes
EcoSensing: indicators, methods, and protocols for reporting and monitoring the condition of biodiversity and ecosystems in changing rural landscapes
PI: João P. Honrado
JEDI - a Joint Environment for Deduction and Induction - and its application over spatial data
JEDI - a Joint Environment for Deduction and Induction - and its application over spatial data
PI: João P. Honrado
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