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João P. Honrado

João P. Honrado

Assistant Professor

27 Projects
BryoMicroClim - Combining microclimate sensor networks and models to uncover the vulnerability of small plants to climate change
BryoMicroClim - Combining microclimate sensor networks and models to uncover the vulnerability of small plants to climate change
PI: Helena Hespanhol PI: João Francisco Gonçalves
SELINA: Science for evidence-based and sustainable decisions about natural capital
SELINA: Science for evidence-based and sustainable decisions about natural capital
SeverusPT - A web-based data product and service for fire severity assessment and prediction in mainland Portugal
SeverusPT - A web-based data product and service for fire severity assessment and prediction in mainland Portugal
PI: João P. Honrado PI: João Francisco Gonçalves
SINVAQUA - Sistema de apoio ao controlo, monitorização, contenção e erradicação de flora exótica invasora aquática por deteção remota
SINVAQUA - Sistema de apoio ao controlo, monitorização, contenção e erradicação de flora exótica invasora aquática por deteção remota
+BIO@CIBIO – Recovering native vegetation after invasion through ecological monitoring
+BIO@CIBIO – Recovering native vegetation after invasion through ecological monitoring
PI: Paulo Célio Alves
FirESmart: Nature-based solutions for preventive fire management and sustained supply of ecosystem services
FirESmart: Nature-based solutions for preventive fire management and sustained supply of ecosystem services
PI: Adrián Regos Sanz
ECOPOTENTIAL: improving future ecosystem benefits through earth observations
ECOPOTENTIAL: improving future ecosystem benefits through earth observations
PI: João P. Honrado
ENVMETAGEN -  Capacity Building at InBIO for Research and Innovation Using Environmental Metagenomics
ENVMETAGEN -  Capacity Building at InBIO for Research and Innovation Using Environmental Metagenomics
PI: Pedro Beja
QUERCOM - Environmental controls of community structure and ecosystem function: an assessment with cork oak (Quercus suber) communities in the Iberian Peninsula
QUERCOM - Environmental controls of community structure and ecosystem function: an assessment with cork oak (Quercus suber) communities in the Iberian Peninsula
PI: Regan Early
INDicator-based modelling tools to predict landscape CHANGE and to improve the application of social-ecological research in adaptive land management (IND_CHANGE)
INDicator-based modelling tools to predict landscape CHANGE and to improve the application of social-ecological research in adaptive land management (IND_CHANGE)
PI: João P. Honrado
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